The Last of Us Part I – Bill’s Town – The Woods
The Woods
Take the first right as you walk through the woods. Around the corner, you’ll find some supplements. Continue around, then turn right again when possible. Follow the stream for some supplies. Then turn around and backtrack. Turn right again to continue. Follow the path until you come to a water tower.
The gate around the water tower is locked. On the left side, you’ll see a shed. Behind it is a plank. Place it against the shed, then use your surroundings to climb onto it. On top of the shed is an upgraded melee weapon capable of instakilling even clickers. However, it breaks off easily. Grab the plank and lay it across the gap.
Artifact 18—Pills Note
On the other side of the gap, drop down and then head towards the streets. The building in the middle of this area has artifact 18—Pills Note. There are some clickers in this area so don’t run.
Shiv door 3
There is a shiv door on the building to your left.
There are some supplies in the shed with the clicker. You’ll have to kill the clicker with either a shiv or a brick and melee but note there is another clicker in the area that will be alarmed in case you decide to get these supplies.
When you’re ready, head to the locked gate between where you got the Pills Note and the shiv door. Boost Ellie over and she’ll unlock the gate for you. Now you can head into the street. Turn left and head over to an area with garden gnomes. You’ll find parts, supplements, and other resources. If you’ve been saving your supplements, you should be able to upgrade Joel’s max health at this point.
Optional Conversation 7
On the opposite side of the street, go inside the first building to find an arcade cabinet. Ellie will join you eventually and you will get optional conversation 7.
Behind the building are some parts. On the left side of the building, there is a fire escape. At the top of the fire escape are some parts.
Artifact 19—Note to Bob
Make your way up the road. Note the truck on the right side of the street. There’s a safe around the back side of it. To open it, we’ll need the combination. At the very end of the street, where it is blocked off, is artifact 19—Note to Bob. This note contains the combination for the safe mentioned earlier.
Safe 2
Go back to the truck to get the contents of the safe.
Firefly Pendant 8—Hui Wang
On top of the mobile home/RV is firefly pendant 8—Hui Wang.
Artifact 20—Perimeter Note
Beside the mobile home/RV is a record store. In the employee area of the store, you’ll find artifact 20—Perimeter Note just laying here.
Head to the alleyway to the left of the record store. You’ll run into one of Bill’s traps. There are some supplies around the back opposite of the building.
Shiv Door 4
Around the back side of the record, you’ll find shiv door 4.
When you are ready, continue right from the shiv door exit. You’ll eventually find a soldier impaled with some arrows. Take them if you wish and then use the ladder to climb on the back of the truck.
New Weapon—The Bow
Around the back of the chair on the truck is the Bow. It allows stealth kills from a distance. Be careful though. If you don’t get a headshot, you’ll alert the enemies.
After crossing the plank let Ellie across and then pick up the plank. Place it next to the ladder and then climb up the ladder. Pick up the plank and use it to get across the gap.
There’s a click in the following area but he doesn’t walk around. Climb down the ladder to land gently otherwise you’ll alert him. Hop up the HVAC to get to the other building and then go down the ladder.
There are no enemies in this area but Bill has set up some traps. There is one as soon as you drop down. Crouch to avoid it. There are some bricks in this area that you can use if you want to conserve ammo; however, before continuing, there’s a door nearby with infected banging on it. Once you open the door, the infected disappear…where did they go?
Artifact 21—Note to Rachel
Inside the building are supplies and artifact 21—Note to Rachel.
Back outside, use bricks or bottles to destroy Bill’s traps. Go around the destroyed traps and into a small building. There is ammo in here and a door. When you open the door, you’ll be hoisted up into the air thanks to one of Bill’s traps.
Shoot the waves of enemies as they come. You have unlimited ammo in this situation so go crazy. After the fight, Bill will come and save you. Follow Bill until you make it to his safehouse.