The Last of Us Part I – The Outskirts – Museum



Once you’re up and over the rubble, look for a building you can get into. Be careful because there are some stationary runners in here. It’s easy enough to pop them off one by one. Just take your time.

In the middle of the room is a platform you can roll. Roll it out the building and go left and place it next to the Conex with the lobster on it. Climb on up, then jump down and turn around.

Artifact 15—Medical Pamphlet

Inside the truck is artifact 15—Medical Pamphlet.

Exit the truck and use the chain to get inside. Inside the red truck are supplements.

Workbench 1

On the left side of the room, you’ll find workbench 1.

Exit through the door that’s right of the workbench. Straight ahead is another door that leads to a room with some supplies. Get what you need and then head left.

Firefly Pendant 5—Michael Kiper

Outside the rooms, you’ll see a ramp made out of debris. At top, turn left and shimmy across to get firefly pendant 5—Michael Kiper.

Shimmy your way back and head right. There’s some supplies in the next room inside a drawer on the floor. Crawl under the door to the left and attempt to lift the wood beams blocking your way.

Shiv Door 2

Afterwards, go right and hug the right side of the environment until you reach a shop. There’s a shiv door on the right side of the shop.

Exit the store and head left. Avoid the click and make your way to the end of the hallway. There’s a door on your left. Take it and go upstairs.

Tip—Run Before They Get Ya

If the clickers notice you, just run. Once you kill the infected at the top of the stairs and go through the door, they’ll stop chasing you.

After saving Tess, you’ll be in a brawl with a bunch of infected. There are bricks, bottles, and melee weapons to help you out. Use your ammo as a last resort.

Optional Conversation 5

Before heading out, wait a moment by the window. Optional conversation 5 will appear above Tess’ head.

Optional Conversation 6

After Tess’ conversation is over, Ellie will want to have optional conversation 6.

Jump through the window and then climb up as far as you can go. At the top of the stairs, turn left and look for a plank on the ground. Use it to get across the gap.

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